Show ALL Rooms OOO or DNS

A Room can be set as Out of Order (OOO) or Do Not Sell (DNS) in order to take the room out of the rooms available to assign to a guest. The Show ALL Rooms OOO or DNS command opens a version of the Rooms OOO/DNS maintenance screen which lists ALL rooms that have been entered into Skyware as OOO/DNS at any point, and allows each room entry to be selected to show their details - status, reasons why the room was placed in OOO/DNS and the start and end date (without the current date filters of the Set Rooms OOO or DNS command, which opens a version of the Rooms OOO/DNS maintenance screen that shows only rooms currently marked as OOO/DNS, or upcoming OOO/DNS). The details for any rooms shown on the Rooms OOO/DNS maintenance screen may be edited, and may also be printed out as a report (for specified dates) using the Out of Order Rooms report.

This command may be found in the Housekeeping Menu, which contains commands that provide access to features typically used by housekeepers and housekeeping managers.

Note: From the Rooms OOO/DNS maintenance screen you can also perform the following functions:



Date Updated December 14, 2023